Video Links GDocs & More – SimplePres+ (review)
Watch the video on Youtube:
Question/Answer/ Follow-up question
Draw the grid on your paper:
Question: Is your life this year different from your life last year?
Are you doing different things this year?
Are you doing the same thing in different ways?
Homework: Due Sunday Evening (Tomorrow):
Watch the video on Youtube:
Do the homework on-line :
Use your g-mail address and password to access Google Docs:
Wednesday, October 27:
-1- Bombarding Questions
-2- 3 Ways to express the future
-3- Powerpoint
-4- Video – in/at/on
-5- In class/Speaking
Choose 1 person.
The other students ask the person as many questions as possible within 60 seconds. After 1 minute, the person tries to answer all of the questions.
However, no one can ask two questions in a row. You must let someone else ask the next question before asking another one
-4- Video – in/at/on
Watch Video #1 -5- In class/Speaking
In-class- Speaking – In-On-At Homework: Due Friday Evening:
Homework – Website – In On At
- Question: “Do you?” “Are you,…ing?”
- Bombarding Questions
- Homework – Common Issues
- Actions Vocabulary
- Pronunciation – Short A & Long A
- Using the words – Make Sentences
- Simple Present Tense
- Are you/Do you?
- Speaking Activity
Topic: Chores/ Helping others
-1- Bombarding Questions
-2- Vocabulary (Actions)
Animated verbs
-1- lift -2- blink -3- twist -4-drop -5- nod -6- stomp
-7- jump -8- punch -9- rub -3- Powerpoint
If you send an e-mail to me I will e-mail you back the powerpoint Look at the last activity that we did in class:
In-class Activity 3 Use your answers and your classmates answers to write paragraphs.
Write one paragraph for each student, including yourself.